Things to Remember When Travelling to Bangkok

Credit Cards and Banks: ATMs are common. While most places accept credit cards, it is wise to use cash where possible as card fraud can be a big problem.

Climate: Bangkok is hot and humid throughout the year, with average highs above 90 degrees (Fahrenheit) and lows around 70 degrees throughout the year. April is the hottest month, September is the wettest, and December is the coldest.

Peak Season: Rain is most common between May and October, meaning most visitors come between November and April.

Culture: It’s considered crude to eat directly off a fork. It’s customary to use a fork to push food onto a spoon and eat from that. Also, be sure to cover up your elbows and knees when visiting temples out of respect!

Thailand is one of the most visited tourist destinations and tourists from the around the world want to visit and have a pie of Thailand.

However, the weather, food and the language can become a barrier for some.

Hence, taking care of a few things before you travel to Thailand is important.

Language – Thai is the official and local language of Thailand but considering the fact that tourists from around the world travel Thailand, the local Thai people have learned to communicate in English and it should not be a major problem to travel in Thailand for you if you know English.

Yes, in some of the remote areas, not everyone would know English so it is good if you have a language translation app in your mobile phone.

Money and Currency:

The local currency is Thai Baht and you must always carry cash because a lot of places do not accept credit cards. Do not worry, as you will find currency exchange counters in almost every street.

Tourist Places, Temples, Local Taxi Folks, Tuk Tuk riders will accept only cash.

Food and Water

Everyone loves Thai Food and no wonder they are right. Thailand offers a wide variety of food that comprises of Thai Food, Sea Food, Street Food and some amazing Sweets.

Thai Street Food is something to go after but the only thing you need to take care is the drinking water. We recommend staying away from the tap water and opt for packaged drinking water. You can easily find a 7-11 store at every corner. Buy a good brand drinking water from the 711 convenience store and keep one such bottle with you all the time.

Temperature and Weather

One reason to keep a drinking water bottle with you is the weather. The temperature is hot and humid and you will sweat a lot because you will have to walk a lot if you really want to experience Thailand quite well.

Drinking water regularly will keep you hydrated and you wont feel the heat stroke.

Since the weather is humid, you must wear light color clothes made of cotton and linen.

We suggest applying a good sunscreen lotion, wearing a hat/cap and also sunglasses.

Local Mode of Travel

Bangkok is full of traffic and Travelling via taxi can be expensive as well as time consuming.

The best way to explore Bangkok is via local transport that includes Metro Train and 2 wheelers.

You can easily spot a junction where 2 wheeler taxi can be hopped on. You can use apps like Grab and Bolt.

You may have to walk a lot too and since the temperature is humid, you might feel sweaty but considering the time and money saved, you will still like to travel via public transport.



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